How to Find Your Right Target Audience

How to Find Your Right Target Audience

If you are planning to build your own business, the crucial part is to identify the target audience. For any business it is very important to analyze and understand your business i.e product/ services and understand how your product/services can help your target audience and business goals. This will help us to understand our target audience.

In this blog you will understand how to find the right target audience and how to use them in your marketing plan.

What is Meant by Target Audience?

Target audience can be defined as the group of people who can use/buy our products/services. This can be divided in terms of demographic and interests. 


  1. Gender
  2. Age
  3. Location
  4. Income
  5. Profession


  1. Media/TV Lovers
  2. Lifestyles & Hobbies
  3. Technology/Mobile Enthusiasts
  4. News Readers 

Why Target Audience is Important for Your Business?

Target Audience

It is important to understand and know your target audience, it helps you to plan and focus on marketing efforts on the people who are most likely interested in your business and help you to complete your business goals.

Types of Audience 

There are 2 types of audiences Primary audiences and secondary audience

Primary Audience – You need to give most of your attention to this group of customers. As they are valuable customers i.e returning customers. This type of audience is important for business growth and complete the business goals.

Secondary Audience – This groups of people may be interested in your products/services i.e they are unlikely to become your valuable customer. According to the business goal you can strategies your marketing efforts and plan your budget accordingly.

How to Identify the Target Audience?

Competitor Analysis

Competitor analysis is one of the most significant steps, to analyze and decide our target audience for your business. Find the top 5-10 competitors and do thorough research about their products/services, sales and marketing strategies.

i) Identify Gaps
ii) Scope of advancement of products/services
iii) Market trends
iv) Improving sales and marketing strategies

How to do Competitor Analysis?

Competitor Analysis
  1. Decide who are your competitors
    Shortlist atleast 5-10 competitors who are surviving on the same products/services similar to yours. Do analysis of their online and offline presence.
  2. What products/services they offer pricing & discounts
    In this we need to do thorough analysis of their pricing models.
  3. Analyze their products/services
  4. Analyze competitors sales & marketing approach
  5. Do keen observation for their social media presence and tactics they use to promote and products/services
  6. Do SWOT analysis of competitors to understand its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

Audience Targeting in Digital Marketing

With the target audience we can reach the right people who are interested in your product/services. Together with online targeting and marketing strategies, one can reach the right people at the right time with the right content. 

How to Find Right Target Audience on Google Ads

In Google Ads there are different types of audiences to target according to your business goal. Google group the audiences according to their interests, demographics and the Google history where they visit and they are interested in.

Below we discuss types of Google Ads Audiences you can use for Search/Display & Video Campaigns.

  1. Affinity
    With the affinity audience targeting you can reach the target audience depending on their lifestyle, passion and habits.
  2. Detailed Demographics
    With detailed demographics you target the audience(population) the common traits like new parents., college students, homemakers etc.
  3. In Market
    You can find the customers who are researching of products/services for that they are actively looking for. This audience we can use for getting more conversions. Using remarketing strategy we can target these audiences to complete purchasing.
  4. Remarketing
    Remarketing is the right idea to target an audience who already visited your website, app, videos and existing/old customers. This strategy helps to improve ROI.
  5. Similar Audiences
    Google ads use machine learning to find the similar audience of your existing customers. You can show ads to your audience who is similar to your remarketing list or customer match lists.  
  6. Customer Match
    Google uses online and offline data to reach and re-engage your customers on search, display, Gmail and Youtube. This audience you can use for business goals like branding and driving conversions.

How to Find Right Target Audience on Facebook

To find the right audience on Facebook, Audience insights is one the best tool. With Audience insights you can find who interacted with your business page and content.

Demographics –  Age, gender, education, job titles etc. 

Interests – You can find people interests, hobbies and common products/services

Behaviour – The people who shows possible interest based on their actions on the Facebook.

Facebook Ad Targeting

Core Audience – You will target your audience depending on their age, interests, geo location etc.

Custom Audience – List of audience who are already visited your business website or app.

Lookalike Audience – Means finding/reaching new audiences whose interests are similar to your best customers.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Same as Google Ads and Facebook target audience, in SEO we cannot directly decide your business target audience, but indirectly we try to find what kind of content/information our target audience is looking for,.

Finding the target audience and keep connected to them through engaging content strategy and blog linking.

Analyze Your Target Audience

Analyze Your Target Audience

After working on target audiences and running digital marketing campaigns. We need to analyze how our target audience is performing and how can your business stand out in your competitors. For this we needed to analyze the below steps. 

  • Google Analytics
    Google analytics is an amazing tool for analyzing demographics, interests and source of audience on your website/app. With the help of Google analytics we can find which digital marketing source is performing the best. You can analyze channels in terms of conversions, traffic and many important actions which are important for your business growth.
  • Social Media Platforms Analytics
    All social media platforms have their own analytics platform. Using analytics you can understand what type of content is performing at what time and what kind of content or images your audience is interested in. This can help you to plan marketing strategies and specially content marketing.
  • Search Console
    Search console can help to Marketing team.
    1) Optimize website ranking
    2) Website traffic
    3) Appearance of website on Google search

Search console tells us about the website technical issues and gives us the right direction for better SEO strategies with the help of Google trends, Analytics and Google Ads.

The hardest part is to recognize the target audience for your business. Once you understand your target audience you can plan your business branding, marketing and business goal. Targeting the right audience will help you to grow your business and can strongly survive in this competitive world.

Priyanka Agrawal

I'm actually a Digital Marketer with 6 years of experience. But I love writing and its been 3 years since I started writing. My favorite niche for writing includes technology, digital marketing, travelling, etc.

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