Tips for Preventing a Data Breach in 2023

Tips for Preventing Data Breach

When it comes to breaches, there are no differences between the big fish, small fish, or hiding sports. Almost all types of organizations are critically personally identifiable information stored in them. Storing such PII makes you the target regardless of the industry, size, or any other variable that the employee is attempting is legitimate. Hence, preventing a data breach is very much of importance.

The statistics clearly show that the data breaches are rising high. Bringing devastating, long term financial, and reputational repercussions to the entire organization. As per the report in 2020, the average cost of the data breach is close to $4 million and the average price for the lost data record is around $150. So, what are the possible ways to avoid such disasters? Here are some tips for preventing a data breach in 2023.

Limit accessing the most valuable data

data leak prevention

In the olden days, every employee had access to all the files of the company on their computers only. These days, technology has grown widely, and everyone is accessing it on multiple devices. It is better to limit the devices that the data are getting processed. Also, it is better to narrow the pool of employees who can click on the harmful links accidentally or purposefully. You can expect all the records partitioned off. So that only those who specifically need the access will take responsibility and access the information. It is one of the ideas to implement to have data breach prevention.

Update the software regularly

Preventing a Data Breach

The professionals recommend keeping updating all the application software and operating systems regularly. You should install patches if it is available for Preventing a Data Breach. When the program is not patched and updated periodically, your network may be vulnerable. Microsoft has now launched a product called Baseline Security Analyzer. Which can regularly check to ensure the programs are patches and they are up to date. It is fairly easy and cost-effective to strengthen the network and stop attacking before it could happen.

Store data in an encrypted database

want to prevent data breaches

When you want to prevent data breaches, you have to secure the database and encrypt any items containing the crucial data. The encryption process converts that information or data into the code, which later works to prevent unauthorized access to it. A common example of this process is the online process. Once you enter the payment information onto the ecommerce website and when it gets approved, your information will be encrypted. So, unless the authorized person handles it, no one can access it. 

Restore the data backup remotely

Whether routinely completed on the cloud or on an external hard driver, remote backups ensure that the data is stored in a secured place. A routing backup will also allow you to have a reference point if the data is breached in the future.

Most of the backup providers will allow you to choose –

  • the frequency of the backup
  • the time of the day it occurs
  • the level of information details you would like to store in the system
  • and some other crucial information

Reduce exposure risk

You have to do everything you can do to minimize the risk of exposure. Focus more on employee training, so the work devices do not get left unsecured. You can also create distant networks to separate the critical financial information from the day to day functions. Install the two-factor authentication system and require the employees to do the same in their respective systems. Give each and every employee a unique username and password. Also provide limited access to any vital database to those who need to access it. Also, ensure you are deleting the information when it is no longer required for the business.

Have regular data backup

Have data backup on a daily basis and try to stay ahead of the cyberattacks on the data. Although this does not directly prevent or play a role in the data breaches, it is a great measure to stay aware of the ransomware attacks. If you already have the information, they have nothing to ransom after locking down in your network on the software.

Vulnerability and compliance management

prevent data breaches

Using the vulnerability and the complex management (VMC) tools or at the very least completing assessment will help you highly. It will assist in identifying the gaps, weaknesses, and security misconfigurations with physical and virtual environments. The tool can continuously monitor the infrastructure and IT assets for vulnerabilities and compliance weaknesses and configurations.

So, you can easily mitigate the data breach including the security team to better understand the security vulnerability risk of the environment. This includes the threat landscape and priorities around what is necessary for remediation. Having a good VCM will allow you to create an action plan to remediate the vulnerabilities and assign them to appropriate staff members in the organization.

Review user account lifecycle process

Have the norms for a standard process for deactivating accounts when the employees leave the organization or outside the consultants are no longer connected with your organization. There are various types of departures that are immediate security concerns or not. The most significant contributors are orphaned accounts plaguing the system.

You have to make note of whether it is manually or automatically deactivated. The reviews will optimize the organization’s deactivation process to determine the speed and comprehensiveness they are when it is about quickly restricting the accounts. Rapid response can prove invaluable, peace of mind, and knowing the account review process to clean up everything.

Malware detection in both the workstation and the servers

how to prevent a data breach

All the workstations in the business and the servers should have malware detection software installed in it, and this will help highly for the data breach prevention. The detection software prevents the malware from being installed unknowingly. As the malware is hidden in several formats, the detection software will assist to scan each and every item. It will ensure the safety of the data. There are also lots of software packages available for the business, depending on the level of security needs. You can choose the most comfortable one according top your needs.

Have a disaster plan

Protecting the business against a data breach is one of the ongoing processes. As per the law, even the data breach that is likely to cause harm or result in identity theft, a business should offer notice of the security breach to all the affected residents or customers and vendors who are affected by the breach. Remember that the notification should be precise, and it should meet certain statutory requirements.

Adopt automation

marketing automation

Keeping up the security vulnerabilities 24*7 for 365 days will be more crucial for anyone, that are involved with the business. The adoption of automation is the friend in tracking the security, and it can not only lessen the workload on humans, but it is also the factor to automate the lots of lower-level security processes. If things go wrong, it will immediately inform the right people.

The bottom line 

In this technology-dominated world, it is serving as both boon and curse. So, understand the possible ways to stay awake and protect your data from unauthorized hands. It is not only about you or the organisation, but it is also for the wellness of the customers and employees associated with your organization. 

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